We all know the “3R” mantra: Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. But have you considered that changing the way we create rubbish and separate waste in the proper way will have more far-reaching results than what we can see? Although many eco-friendly organizations have long promoted the awareness of saving the environment, using less plastic, and generally living a healthier lifestyle, it is only recently that the government has picked up efforts to move towards a greener future.

Following the head-start by Penang of not using polystyrene and plastic bags, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur banned the use of polystyrene food containers and adopted the “No Plastic Bag” policy in shopping malls and retail outlets. Other states are also joining the cause, with Perak and Johor banning the use of polystyrene containers and plastic bags from June 2017.

So, how do we live with less plastic in our lives? It’s not as difficult as you may think, and the benefits will definitely help you in the long run!

(Feel free to share this infographic; we only ask that you credit it to Estate123.com and link back to this page!)

estate123 infographic less plastic is fantastic benefits