Who run the world? Girls!
While Beyonce’s ‘girl power’ song, Run The World, may be catchy and empowering to ladies, it’s undeniable that females have always been regarded as the weaker sex, and thus often become the target of criminals. (Read these reports involving female real estate agents if you need proof!) With this in mind, we decided to organise a self-defense class on 21 April, specially for female real estate agents to learn some basic self-defense techniques, which might come in useful if they ever found themselves in a sticky situation.
Before the event, we cleared a big space at Hangout123 so that there would be enough room for the instructors and participants to practice the techniques demonstrated. It was a good thing we did, as later on during the session, everyone was able to pair up with a partner and find a spot on the floor to try out some of the more challenging moves with ample space to move around. 😀
Our instructors for the day were Horng Yaw from Team-X Martial Arts Gym and Shammah from Marcos Escobar Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy, who are certified instructors and have trained for many years in their respective martial arts fields.

Our instructors for the day: Horng Yaw (left) and Shammah (right)
Everyone was understandably a bit nervous at first, but sitting on the floor in a ring and exchanging some cheerful banter helped to establish a comfortable casual atmosphere. The class began with a brief introduction, and then it was time for demonstrations followed by hands-on practice.
Basic self-defense techniques mixed with some Muay Thai moves taught by Horng Yaw:
- Escape using your arms and elbow when pushed or pressed against a wall
- Kick the attacker to create distance and run away
- Aim for the solar plexus or groin (weak points) when kicking the attacker
- When pinned against the wall, kick the attacker’s shin (large muscle located at the side of the thigh) using free leg
- How to escape when grabbed in a “bear hug” from behind
Simple Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) techniques by Shammah:
- Escape using your arms and hips while pinned on the floor
- Immobilise attacker to create space and run away
- “Guillotine” choke hold to weaken or knock out attacker
The instructors emphasised that when it comes to self-defense for ladies, it is important to remember that using brute strength to try and overpower the attacker was futile, as the attacker would most likely be bigger, stronger, taller and/or heavier. Therefore, it is important to know how to use the attacker’s weight as leverage against them, and attack the weak points in order to create a diversion or gap for the chance to run away. Just demonstrating and practicing these few techniques took up most of the 2-hour event, and the instructors even took some time to demonstrate other positions and techniques to immobilise and escape an attacker.
Although everybody was tired out from the unexpected exertions during the class (along the lines of kicking the wall and wrestling on the floor, haha), it was nevertheless an extremely educational and eye-opening session. It not only made us more aware of the dangers that could occur, but also provided insight into how a person can protect themselves by equipping the proper basic skills and knowledge.
The event ended with a group photo with the instructors. The ladies really enjoyed the event, and took home with them valuable self-defense skills, as well as the awareness to be prepared for the unexpected, especially when going out and about alone.

Group photo with the lady agents and two instructors
See more photos from the event on our Facebook page, and stay tuned for more event announcements from Estate123.com! Sign up as a member now, and get access to some of the best property listing features in Malaysia, as well as exclusive invites to our events, workshops and activities. 😉