Our earlier articles about the types of properties that are most difficult to sell in Malaysia, and the follow-up article on the 5 sure-fire ways to sell these properties, were so popular that we decided they just had to be made into an infographic so that it would be easier to share with everyone! 😀
Indeed, in the current property market situation, properties in general may be difficult to sell, but add on the stigma of paranormal activity, unpleasant odours, sound pollution, and other unfavourable aspects, and agents will be hard pressed to find a buyer (or renter) for such properties. That’s why it is important to be creative (but not dishonest!) and resourceful when you’re a real estate agent tasked with closing a deal on these sometimes-awful assets.
(Feel free to share this infographic; we only ask that you credit it to Estate123.com and link back to this page!)

Infographic by Estate123.com