The Department of Statistics has compiled the data in an “Abridged Life Tables, Malaysia, 2015 – 2017” report, which contains life tables by age, ethnic group and sex for Malaysia and each state. The life tables, the department said, are generated based on mortality statistics for the three-year period and mid-year population estimates.

No reason was divulged by the department as to why Malaysians now live longer. What do you think are the reasons? (Personally, I think that advancements in medicine and healthcare technology are playing a big part.)

Some vital statistics:

  • Malaysian men have a life expectancy of 72.7 years.
  • Malaysian women have a life expectancy of 77.4 years.
  • Malaysian women live 4.7 years longer than Malaysian men.
  • Chinese men (75 yrs) and women (80 yrs) have the highest life expectancy at birth, followed by Bumiputeras and Indians.
  • States with the highest life expectancy: Sarawak, Kuala Lumpur & Selangor.
  • States with the lowest life expectancy: Terengganu, Kelantan & Perlis.

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