Last week, the whole world was abuzz with the news of the referendum held in the Britian, in which voters from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland decided whether the United Kingdom left or remained in the European Union (EU). It was a really close decision but in the end, the #Brexit vote won by 52%. It was a historic day in history indeed. The impact from the UK’s decision is already being felt around the world, and will continue for months, and even years, to come.
So, how does the UK’s decision affect us all the way in Malaysia? There is plenty of coverage on the current situation in Britain, but it seems slightly detached from us here, as most of us hardly have any dealings with the UK, or use the sterling pound as currency. However, that’s no excuse to read up on world affairs, especially when it could have a ripple effect on our own economy, so we’ve created a easy-to-understand infographic to show you how the Brexit decision could affect Malaysia.
(Feel free to share this infographic; we only ask that you credit it to and link back to this page!)

Brexit and How It Will Affect Malaysia (Infographic by