Landlord123‘s property inspection is its pioneer feature, which aims to safeguard rental properties and provide landlords with peace of mind. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure – in this case, property damage!
As a landlord, how often do you inspect your rental properties and check up on your tenants? Once a year? Maybe twice a year, if you’re feeling particularly hardworking. Landlord123 takes the hassle out of regular property inspections by allowing you to keep an eye on your rental properties’ condition, even if you’re not there to inspect it in person!
Consistent updates on the condition of the property can help the tenant highlight potential issues and prevent major damages during the tenancy, which in turn helps the landlord from incurring high costs of repairs and replacements for their most valuable investment asset – property.
Both the landlord and tenant are required to download the Landlord123 mobile app into their smartphone in order to utilise the app’s functions. First, the landlord creates a property in the app, and defines the “Area/Fittings”, which are areas required to be updated by the tenant.

Fittings are areas or specific locations set for “inspection” by the landlord, which the tenant is required to update upon the specific date stated in the app. (For example, living room, kitchen, master bedroom, bathroom, backyard, garden, etc.)
The tenant will be prompted to upload photos of the property according to the interval and Area/Fittings specified by the landlord. The photos must be snapped directly using the camera function, which ensures that the updates are showing the property in its current condition, and not from older photos kept in the phone’s photo album.

In other words, the tenant will update photos on certain required areas, and the landlord will receive updates instantaneously on a regular basis. It’s a win-win situation where the landlord is regularly updated on the condition of their property, while the tenant enjoys their privacy without worrying about unexpected landlord visits.
Check out other great features of Landlord123:
- Landlord123 Feature: Issue Management
- Landlord123 Feature: Financial Reporting
- Landlord123 Feature: Rental Collection
- Landlord123 Feature: Rental Receipt & Financial Report Download